I eat pizza, I drink beer, I love Dairy Queen and for the most part if I REALLY want something I eat it. The difference is that when I do these things I quickly get back on track with my diet right away. If you don't and you let it escalate then you find yourself 20lbs overweight and wondering what went wrong. You don't have to be a robot and eat things you don't enjoy to be healthy, fit and happy. In fact in my opinion it is just the opposite. Your body and mind need these treats and luxuries to not only keep you sane but also to keep your metabolism constantly working.
In writing this piece on diet and nutrition I can only speak from personal experience and I am by no means a registered dietitian. What I can speak on are the things I have tried and the things that work for me. Their is no magic pill or special diet, and exercise, even large amounts of exercise alone will not get you those abs you see in the magazines. What will work is doing the right thing at least 90% of the time and being consistent. Not for days or months, but years. I have been "dieting" as some would say since I was 18 years old. I could not tell you how many calories I eat in a day. However I will wager that I eat more than anyone else I know day in and day out. I also would wager I burn far more calories then anyone else and that my metabolism is constantly working to burn calories.
Diet and nutrition, especially as it applies to athletics is the biggest mystery known to man. Nobody and I mean nobody has it completely figured out and they never will. What works for Joe may not work for Jane and what works for Jane may not work for Joe. People are not cookie cutter and are bodies are not so simple that x.y, and z is guaranteed to work. What you need to do to become successful and maintain a healthy weight is to become a lab rat. Find what works for you, day in and day out. Find foods you like to eat, study what times you feel best based on what and when you eat. And pick up a book or google different strategies that work for others and try them.
For 14 years I have been doing this and I finally have a system that works for me. I don't consume any of my calories from liquid form except when exercising. This is how so many people lose count of their caloric intake because it is so simple to drink 12oz and consume 200 calories without a second thought. I eat every 2 and half to 3 hours, and when I don't look out because I get slightly (ask Amy) agitated. The running joke amongst my coworkers and friends is that you really don't need a watch when you are around me for I will eat at 7, 9:30, 12, 3, 6, and 9. I always am prepared to eat my next meal and I always think ahead so I am never out of reach of food when I need it. It has become routine for me. So when I want that treat after dinner I allow myself to have it but I wait and push it back to the next time I eat so I don't overload my body with calories that it can't burn. Now most people think I am nuts or that I deprive myself of things that others enjoy. This could not be further from the truth. I just make it work for me. I am probably one of a million people who go to Dairy Queen and ask for it to with a lid to go. It is so I can eat it when it works for my body.
All this being said I sometimes overeat at meals and their are certain days that I just eat way more than I should. I make the same mistakes others make but I never let those mistakes compound so they add up to weight gain. I stop, re access and get right back on track. And I don't consider what and how I eat to be a "diet". After 14 years I am still learning new things everyday, especially when it comes to race day nutrition (see marathon race report). What I have figured out is what foods are best for ME and when and how they should be consumed. And in order for you to be successful you need to do the same. I only wrote this particular blog because a few asked for me to write something about diet and nutrition. And if you want my top ten list of what, whys and hows I could give it to you. But make no mistake that the only reason I have figured it out is because I was willing to be a lab rat and follow the same principles that pretty much apply to anything that you want to be successful in. Sacrifice, dedication, hard work, and consistency. So if you will excuse me I am going to go run 100 miles and have a beer and some pizza.
For those of you wondering what weight loss will mean for your run times:
2 lbs
12.4 secs
25 secs
52 secs
5 lbs
31 secs
10 lbs
20 lbs